Our bodies are exposed to toxins in many ways. Water treatment chemicals, air pollutants, food preservatives, pharmaceuticals and harmful ingredients found in personal care products are just some of the many ways toxins make their way into our environment. Although the liver can get rid of toxins on its own, its detox functions sometimes become overwhelmed. Therefore, to boost the body’s ability to clean itself, it needs to receive the occasional helping hand from you. Health experts recommend taking a detox program at least once a year to help you avoid diseases that stem from the cumulative effects of toxin build-up in the body. However, if you don’t want to complete a full detox program, here are 10 simple but effective ways to start detoxing right now.


1 – Avoid Processed Foods


Processed foods are common sources of toxins. They’re filled with preservatives and chemically enhanced ingredients that can cause health problems. Besides having plenty of toxic substances, processed foods are also very unhealthy because of their high calorie content and they often contain dangerous trans fats. By avoiding processed foods or significantly reducing your consumption, you’ll instantly protect your body against the large amounts of toxins they contain.


2 – Consume Less Alcohol


Alcohol is a toxin that many people consume daily. Apart from lowering mental focus and damaging your body’s cells and vital organs, alcohol is dehydrating since it’s a diuretic. When there is less water in your system, your body cannot flush out toxins effectively. Therefore, by drinking less alcohol you can boost your hydration levels, ensure that fewer harmful toxins enter your body and rapidly detox your body.


3 – Cut Back On Caffeine


Caffeine is not harmful when consumed in moderation and can actually be beneficial. However, when consumed excessively, it has a toxic effect on your body and can negatively impact your energy levels, your mental clarity and even damage your body. To ensure that caffeine doesn’t harm your body, limit your intake to 300mg per day. This will allow you to enjoy all caffeine’s plus points while avoiding its dangers.


4 – Drink More Water


Water can help flush out toxins from your system in a natural way. Not only does drinking water help maintain ample fluid levels in your body but it also helps your organs to function properly, brightens your skin and boosts your digestive health. To enjoy the detox benefits of water, aim to drink at least eight glasses per day. If you find sticking to this difficult, try mixing up your water intake by drinking fruit infused water and herbal teas.


5 – Eat More Organic Foods


While organic food will not boost the speed or efficiency of your digestive system, it will prevent you from adding additional toxins to your system. Organic foods contain fewer harmful chemicals because they’re grown with natural fertilizers and pesticides. Conventional produce on the other hand is grown with synthetic insecticides and chemical fertilizers, all of which contain toxins that harm your body in the long run.


6 – Have a Hot Bath With Epsom Salts


Hot baths are usually offered at spas as a detox treatment and can also be enjoyed at home. Exposing the skin to heated water induces perspiration, and as you sweat, your body will get rid of toxins. Adding Epsom salts to the hot bath enhances its detox properties as they contain sulfates that flush out toxins and heavy metals from your body’s cells. The Epsom salts also soothe pain, relax your nervous system and ease congestion.


7 – Increase Your Intake Of Fruits & Vegetables


Eating more fruits and vegetables each day can help cleanse your body. For starters, these are natural foods that contain very little toxins and plenty of nutrients that support internal detoxing. Many fruits are also rich in antioxidants that eliminate free radicals from your body.


8 – Move More


Being active is a simple but effective way to help your body get rid of toxins. Physical activity boosts circulation and makes you sweat which allows waste products to be removed from your body at a faster rate.


9 – Spend More Time Outside


Stress is a harmful mental toxin that affects your mood, your energy levels and even causes physical damage to your body. Spending more time outdoors and in nature has been shown to be one of the most effective ways to reduce stress and avoid its harmful effects.


10 – Reduce Your Sugar Intake


Processed sugar may taste good but too much of a sweet thing can be harmful. Consuming lots of sugar can spike up your blood glucose levels and cause you to gain weight. It also increases your risk of developing diabetes, heart disease gum problems and certain types of cancer. When you cut back on processed sugars, you protect your body against all these negative symptoms.




While detox programs are highly effective at cleansing your body, they’re not the only option. These 10 suggestions allow you to quickly eliminate some of the major toxins in your life without sticking to a structured detox program. So give them a try and see how much better you feel once you’ve implemented these instant detox tips.

Nowadays, the interest in alternative medicine is growing rapidly. Among the vast number of healing modalities available, we find that Reiki has become increasingly popular around the world, especially since science has verified the existence of the universal life energy that Reiki is based on. Reiki is a powerful holistic healing system; it heals on all levels, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.

So what is Reiki? The term Reiki is the Japanese word for Universal Life Force Energy. It is a very simple and easily acquired healing method that uses universal life energy, the energy which permeates our entire universe and all living things. This universal life energy is called qi or chi in China, prana in India, and ki in Japan and this is where the Reiki name derives. It circulates throughout the body and in an energy field surrounding the body. This energy field, long been known to healers and mystics, is now verified by scientists.

Recent scientific experiments have verified the existence of this life force energy. Scientists have proven that everything in the universe, at a sub-atomic level, is made up of energy. Health is the harmonious flow of life energy, while imbalances in this flow, due to unhealthy habits or negative emotions lead to illness. So this subtle energy is responsible for the processes in our body on all levels: physical, emotional and mental. Reiki channels universal life energy through the hands of the practitioner into the body of the receiver and balances the energy flow in the body.

Reiki is a holistic healing system, meaning that it addresses the whole person: the physical, mental, emotional and the spiritual levels. The body is not made up of isolated parts to be fixed, like a machine; there are no separate parts, but an amazing web of energy, and in order to truly return to health, all the levels of our being must be addressed.

Reiki works on four different levels:

The physical level: Reiki strengthens the immune system. It helps in relieving pain. It balances and harmonizes the function of glands and organs. It heals by opening the blocked energy channels, the meridians, and balances the chakras. When performed regularly, toxins are removed from the body and good health and well-being is maintained.

The emotional level: One of the greatest healing benefits of Reiki is stress reduction and relaxation, which strengthens the immune system and maintains health. People who are depressed or do not feel emotionally balanced begin to feel more stable and relaxed because Reiki clears energy blockages and suppressed emotions.

The mental level: Through giving yourself Reiki, you obtain more clarity and find it easier to overcome obstacles and achieve goals. You become more positive and reach a different outlook on life. You feel more empowered.

The spiritual level: Reiki enables you to go deeper within and feel more connected to your higher self. It aids meditation, increases intuition and provides limitless benefits of spiritual growth.

Reiki is so simple yet so powerful, and this is what makes it a unique healing system that anyone can learn, because it does not require any previous experience or special ability. The Benefits of Reiki are infinite. It allows you to take an active part in your own wellness, and accelerates your growth on all levels.

Whether you want to believe it or not, there are literally millions of people located all around the world that engage in the practice of the alternative therapy of acupuncture each and every day. There are many reasons to practicing this alternative therapy that the Chinese instituted, too, but the best reason of all is that it actually has been found to work. On the same side of the coin, though, there are many reasons why acupuncture is a great alternative therapy to deal with. Here are some of the arguments for why acupuncture is so great throughout the whole world:

The Mystery

One of the reasons that many people consider acupuncture therapy to be such a great and revolutionary therapy is because of the mystery behind the whole concept. Let’s face it: the idea that ancient civilizations in the Far East used this type of therapy to be able to cure the sick, help with many different illnesses across the board, and use it as a trade item is just downright weird and mysterious. Furthermore, why would the civilization who started it all want to take this alternative therapy to other lands, including the United States? There could have been great profits by allowing only the Chinese to experience the benefits of acupuncture, but now everyone throughout the world is able to experience them. Indeed, the mystery behind some of the questions and origins of acupuncture therapy truly contribute to how amazing and great the therapy of acupuncture really is.

The Benefits

This was touched on a little bit, but acupuncture has a great deal of benefits that are able to be clearly seen and researched by those who are intrigued. Some of the common ailments that are able to be treated with acupuncture therapy successfully include the bacterial common cold, influenza, cholera, constipation, diarrhea, Depression, arthritis, ear aches, headaches, hernias, hemorrhages, as well as a whole host of other illnesses, disorders, and other diseases that haven’t yet been named. In addition, though many cancers may also be able to be healed through the use of the great acupuncture therapy! But there are also so many diseases and disorders that have yet to be studied whether or not they are truly helped by acupuncture!

Break From Traditional Values

One other reason that many people consider acupuncture to be one of the best alternative medicines is because it is a chance to break free from the traditional values of our culture at least for a little while. While the American culture tends to shun anything new that is also unknown and cannot be studied scientifically, acupuncture therapy definitely cannot and has not been studied scientifically yet. The many benefits of acupuncture have not even been tapped yet since no one knows exactly what goes on in the body!

All in all, though, acupuncture is an awesome therapy that must be practiced in order to be kept throughout the ages. Even though there are plenty of skeptics around, the number of believers in acupuncture continues to grow everyday!

Reiki healing is growing in popularity around the Western world. The word “Reiki” is Japanese and means “Universal Life Energy.” A Japanese theologian named Dr. Mikao Usui founded the Reiki healing system at the end of the last century. He discovered the ancient healing system after studying Sanskrit texts in a Buddhist monastery. Though the texts revealed the knowledge needed, Dr. Usui still had to undergo three weeks of fasting and meditation before receiving the healing empowerment of the Reiki system.

An American woman named Hawayo Takata brought the Reiki system to the Western world. Takata was cured of a tumor at a Reiki clinic in Japan, and then totally dedicated her life to Reiki. She was trained by a Japanese master named Dr. Chujiro Hayashi. During her life, Takata created 22 Reiki Masters to carry on the methods.

Channeling Healing Energy

Reiki is best known for being used as a channel for energy to provide a safe healing method. It promotes good health and well-being and can be experienced by people of all ages, whether in good health or stricken by illness. By replenishing a person’s life force energy, their body’s immune system can be strengthened. This helps the body in its fight against disease. A Reiki healer channels energy to a welcoming receiver. The person receiving Reiki experiences a warm, relaxing feeling in their soul, mind and body. The experience is just as much spiritual as it is physical.

Benefits of Reiki

Reiki healing offers many benefits. It is often used for stress management and to help the body fight and prevent sickness. As Reiki energy is channeled to an individual, they can relax and relieve their stress. This helps the person feel better and think more clearly. The more Reiki energy they can receive, the better they will feel. When a sick or stress-prone person receives Reiki, their body becomes free to help itself become healthier than ever. Other benefits of Reiki include healed relationships, finding one’s Divine Purpose, manifesting life goals, awakening the healer within, cleansing the body from toxins, enhancing creativity, and many others.

To offer so many benefits, Reiki is surprisingly gentle and nurturing. It is not a harsh medical treatment, but can be far more powerful for the individual who opens their mind, heart and soul to the process wholly and freely.

How it Works

After an initiation to Reiki, called Reiki Attunement and learning about Reiki symbols, the individual is introduced to Reiki energy through several methods, including crystals and crystal healing, drumming healing, meditations, and other stress management techniques.

Even many modern chiropractors, psychotherapists, medical doctors, psychologists and other medical professionals are beginning to realize the benefits of Reiki. More and more people are tapping into Reiki energy to experience a fuller, healthier life.

I don’t know about you but when I go for a massage I expect the massage therapist to use their hands, fingers and maybe even their elbows to loosen my stress-laden muscles. There is nothing more delightful than an experienced pair of hands that helps to expunge all of the bad stuff from my body that causes me to become tense, anxious and, perhaps, a bit unpleasant to be around sometimes.

I still vividly remember a visit with a physical therapist for a problem that I was having with a disk in my neck. The disk was pinching a nerve which was causing pain in my neck, back and arm. A particularly annoying area was near my shoulder above my shoulder blade. As I sat in a massage chair, the therapist used her elbow to dig right into the affected area with a force that caused some serious discomfort. But when I left that morning, the pain was almost gone. Now that was massage!

Recently, I was introduced to the concept of Reiki. I was reading up on the various forms of massage therapy and, quite frequently, Reiki was listed as a therapeutic option or as part of the curriculum at a massage school. Further reading about Reiki has caused me to question references to Reiki in the same context as massage. In fact, I began to wonder why Reiki was included in references to massage at all. And I’m not the only one.

Massage is generally defined as “the manipulation of the soft tissues of the body for therapeutic purposes, healing or relaxation.” I would think that “manipulation” is the operative word here. The practice of Reiki takes a quite different approach. Like Shiatsu massage, Reiki seeks to balance “ki” or “life force energy” within the body. The theory, according to ancient Oriental philosophy, is that if this energy is out of balance in the body, or is depleted, then an individual becomes susceptible to physical and emotional ailments. Practitioners of Reiki seek to channel energy into their clients in a manner that corrects imbalances and promotes healing.

However, based on the prescribed methods of practicing Reiki, there is no “manipulation” involved. In fact, in some cases, there is not even actual touch involved in Reiki treatments. That would certainly present a conflict between the generally accepted definition of massage and the practice of Reiki.

Reiki, as practiced today, was developed by Dr. Mikao Usui, a minister and head of a Christian school in Japan. His students had asked him how Jesus healed. Usui did not have the answer but became fixated on discovering how Jesus had cured the ill and infirmed. ( I guess “because he was the Son of God” does not qualify as an acceptable answer.)

Dr. Usui spent years studying in Christian schools, Buddhist monasteries and temples. He found no answer to the healing question until he embarked on a 21 day fast. At the end of the fast, he apparently had a revelatory experience that showed him the methods he had sought to understand. He then set about on a healing ministry. Eventually, he shared his knowledge with Dr. Chujiro Hyashi who, in turn shared the knowledge with Mrs. Hawayo Takata who trained 22 Reiki Masters who then shared the knowledge with thousands of others.

Essentially, Reiki transfers energy from the Reiki practitioner to the patient. Actually, Reiki teaches that the patient draws this energy from the practitioner thus giving the patient an active role and ultimate responsibility for their own healing. The energy is then realigned and balanced and harmony is restored in the body.

Though it is not a religion there is a great deal of spirituality at work in Reiki. God or a Universal Life Force is acknowledged and recognized as the source of all life energy. Though there are specific principles involved in Reiki, the actual methods are quite similar to the “laying on of hands” practiced by faith healers of many religious denominations. But “laying on of hands” is not quite the same as “the manipulation of soft tissue” required to be defined as massage.

There are a couple of issues here. First, massage as a stand alone practice, has struggled to be recognized by the medical establishment as a legitimate form of therapy and healing. Under the auspices of physical therapy, massage is readily accepted and practiced to restore muscular function and to assist in the rehabilitative process. However, there is the view by many that massage therapy is somewhat of a “mongrel” healing application with touches of mainstream medicine, alternative medicine, holistic, health, New Age cultism, sexual indulgence and mystical fakery. The simple fact is the “the manipulation of soft tissue” has been proven and is accepted as a healing modality. It is the desire to include any healing avocation that involves touch, or even the close proximity of hand to body, under the heading of massage that creates confusion and causes suspicion.

Scientists and doctors have dismissed Reiki as a placebo that encourages patients to feel better because they are supposed to feel better. Other questions about the motivation of practitioners are the fact that Dr. Usui, the founder of Reiki, determined that there must be an “energy exchange” between Reiki healer and Reiki patient to invest the patient in the healing process. This investment is monetary in most cases and is a core principle of Reiki.

Another problem with Reiki being considered a form of massage is that some states require that practitioners of Reiki be licensed as massage therapists. Many Reiki practitioners dispute this categorization specifically because of the distinction between Reiki and massage as stated in the definitions presented earlier in this article.

So, Reiki has a bit of a schizophrenic personality. On the one hand, courses teaching Reiki are offered in many massage schools. On the other hand, many practitioners themselves don’t consider themselves massage therapists. So, far be it from me to try and settle this dispute in one article. Reiki may or may not be a truly effective form of healing. All I know is that I still have difficulty categorizing Reiki as massage. I think there may be some “manipulation” of the definition of massage required to justify the inclusion of Reiki.

Maori Reiki is one of the many forms of the popular Reiki system of spiritual healing. Most of the prominent ones include Dragon Reiki, Gendai Reiki, Brahma Satya Reiki and the Shamanic Reiki.

If they are dealing with a multitude of emotional and physical stress, people can experience the unique Maori Reiki spiritual healing treatments. Substance abuse or drug addiction may also be alternatively treated using the Maori Reiki system.

The different forms of Reiki spiritual healing were usually developed in the place where they originated from. Geography alone plays a big part in the development of these different forms of Reiki. As for the Maori Reiki, it was developed from a unique tribe found in New Zealand called the Maoris.

Maori Reiki can help people get rid of these spiritual and physical toxins as well as the negative energy that they create. By releasing these toxins, only then can people begin to feel both physically and balanced and spiritually whole once again.

Another difference that Maori Reiki may have on other Reiki systems is that it employs the use of natural objects that help the Maori Reiki master to heal people physically and spiritually. The natural objects particularly used include certain types of wood that carry with them some spiritual properties.

Gemstones, crystals and natural stones are also some of the natural objects that Maori Reiki masters use to heal the body and the spirit. The use of herbs and other natural remedies that also carry spiritual and healing properties is also employed to further aid the Maori Reiki master.

The main aim of Maori Reiki masters is to cleanse both the body and soul. The same thing happens if a person is carrying a lot of spiritual toxic waste.

The Maori Reiki form of spiritual healing may be similar in some ways with the other Reiki systems, it also has its own distinction over them. The Maori Reiki form of spiritual healing is based a lot on trying to cleanse the body of any physical and spiritual toxic waste. Healing of the body is achieved through getting rid of the physical and spiritual wastes accumulated through the many years.

Maori Reiki is one of the many forms of the popular Reiki system of spiritual healing. Most of the prominent ones include Dragon Reiki, Gendai Reiki, Brahma Satya Reiki and the Shamanic Reiki. The Maori Reiki form of spiritual healing may be similar in some ways with the other Reiki systems, it also has its own distinction over them. The Maori Reiki form of spiritual healing is based a lot on trying to cleanse the body of any physical and spiritual toxic waste. By using the tools that nature has provided for them, Maori Reiki masters can use the energy that these objects impart to aid healing people from the inside out.

In a typical Maori Reiki session, it is essential that a person needs to get in touch with more nature. This is the initial belief since the past generations of the Maori tribe were holistic and very naturalistic in their approach to healing. By using the tools that nature has provided for them, Maori Reiki masters can use the energy that these objects impart to aid healing people from the inside out.

The Maori people are considered as a very spiritual tribe with many of their beliefs based on the spiritual aspect of life. The Maori tribe has developed their own way of spiritual healing through their years of existence.

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