The salutary features of coconut oil have been long found in the ancient texts and Ayurveda. Years of research and experiments have also been giving a scientific support to these findings. Let`s be aware about some benefits of coconut oil:

1. Increases body metabolism

Various community and ethnic groups that consume coconut oil or products in their regular diet were found to have greater metabolic rate as compared to European and American community, where the use of coconut oil and product is minimal. Through scientific study it has been found that, the chemical composition of Coconut oil is primarily of medium chain triglycerides (MCT). MCT breaks down easily providing instant energy to the body, rather than storing as fat.

2. Reduces risk of Heart Diseases

With its capability of stabilizing cholesterol by increasing HDL (Good) and reducing LDL (Bad) level, coconut oil helps to prevent heart-related diseases.

3. Balances Thyroid and Blood Sugar Level

Primary composition of Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCT), makes coconut oil a powerful remedy for various health issues. It helps in conversion of Cholesterol into pregnenolone, which in turn helps in proper functioning of the thyroid gland. It also stimulates the production of insulin that regulates blood sugar level.

4. Improves nutrient absorption

Including coconut oil in diet helps body absorb vital fat soluble vitamins like Vitamin A, D, E and K that are present in other food items. Not only for health benefits but including Coconut oil in other food items like Desserts, Bakeries and Smoothies adds-up taste to the delicacies. Cooking vegetables and leafy greens in coconut oil helps in locking down the nutrients that might get lost due to application of heat.

5. Decreases excess hunger

Healthy hydrocarbons like MCT and ketones helps in proper digestion of food. This results in giving the sensation of fullness to the individual for a longer interval. It minimizes overeating and continuous craving for food.

6. Helps in weight loss

As mentioned above coconut oil increases metabolism and decreases excess hunger, hence it balances the level of body fat. Also, with its characteristic of reducing calorie intake per day, scientifically it has been proven to reduce 1 to 2 pounds of body weight a week. Coconut oil mainly targets the mid-section of the body as a result, reducing belly fat.

Coconut oil has long been taunted by some people as not being beneficial to the body as it is composed of saturated fats. Despite, what some people say, studies have shown that it actually benefits our body in numerous -like the ones mentioned above. So, use coconut oil wisely and regularly and take advantage of its benefits to live a healthy life.

What comes to your mind when you hear about coconut oil? Well, many people think that it is only included in diets. Better yet, many people believe that it is only used for cooking purposes. However, the oil has many other external applications. Coconut oil serves many other purposes apart from consuming it. Have a look at the coconut oil benefits as far as skin and hair protection is concerned.
Many people utilize it for cosmetic reasons and promote not only the health but also the appearance of their hair and skin. They use it to enhance their skin complexion, thanks to its efficient cosmetic components.

Research involving persons with dry skin shows that the oil can boost not only the moisture but also the lipid content of their skin layers. Besides, the oil can be utilized in treating damaged hair. Some detailed research has stipulated that coconut oil can be a great sunscreen because it blocks nearly 20% of ultraviolet rays. To expound the role of the oil as far as hair beauty is concerned, below are the key points:

Prevention of Fatigue

Naturally, hair gets damaged by shrinking as well as swelling of fibers due to absorption and retention of water. Such fatigue is curbed by coconut oil. The oil protects the hair from any possible damage.

Reduces Protein Loss

Are you aware that human hair is but just a composition of proteins? Therefore, loss of proteins from one’s hair results in not only weak but also unhealthy hair. Treatment of hair using coconut oil reduces protein loss from both undamaged and damaged hair. Experts have discovered that coconut oil is the only oil that guarantees such a reduction.

Conditions from Within

The oil retains moisture, very critical for strong as well as well-moisturized hair. As a result, the hair is kept silky and shiny. Again, the oil conditions the hair, shielding it from environmental damage as well as heat.

Anti-bacterial Properties

Also, the oil contains antibacterial components and nutrients. They are responsible for beautiful hair and protection of scalp from viral, bacterial or protozoan infections. Besides, women making use of the oil can cease having gray and preserve their dark hair despite their old age!
Well, you need the love of your life to have a glowing skin? You love seeing her with shiny and gorgeous hair? Your answer is definitely yes. Now, invest in coconut oil so as you enjoy coconut oil benefits like others.

One of the oil’s benefits is that it assists one boost his or her metabolism. Coconut oil is quite different from almost all other fat types in the diet. Whereas nearly all foods consist of long-chain fatty acids, the oil comprises of almost entirely of Medium-chain fatty acids. A fact with such medium-chain fatty acids is that they get metabolized differently, not like the long-chain fats.

From the digestive tract, they are sent to the liver straight. At the liver, they are utilized for energy immediately or changed into ketone bodies. More often than not, such fats are made use by epileptic patients who are on ketogenic diets.

At that, their ketone levels increase while giving room for more carbs. Additionally, some studies have stood to prove that medium-chain fats are stored a little bit less efficiently compared to other fats.

In research, some rats were fed with either medium or long chain fats. Those that fed on the medium-chain fats gained about 20% less weight as well as almost 23% less body fat.

In a nutshell, the bottom line of the whole idea is that the oil is high in MCTs. MCTs are fatty acids metabolized differently than other fats. It, therefore, brings beneficial impacts on metabolism.

Besides, upon boosting metabolism, the oil makes one burn more calories while at rest. Varied foods, as well as macronutrients, go through diverse metabolic pathways. The various types of foods humans consume have an enormous effect on hormones as well as metabolic health.

A few metabolic pathways are more efficient compared to others. Additionally, some foods need more energy for digestion and metabolism. One significant property of the oil is that it is thermogenic. Primarily, it means that consuming it tends to accelerate energy expenditure than same calorie amounts from other fats.

In one research, 15-30 grams of medium-chain fats daily accelerated energy expenditure by 5%. It totals around 120 calories daily. Therefore, as a matter of fact, a calorie from coconut oil is never same as that of olive oil or even butter.

Are you not willing to benefit from such? Don’t you want your metabolism to be boosted? No natural human being would hate to have a real thing, good health at that. On the same note, consider incorporating coconut oil into your daily diet. At that, you will experience such coconut oil benefits.

Have you ever thought of your blood cholesterol levels? If yes, then you may at least know how regulating it reduces the risk of suffering from various heart diseases. Well, one of the coconut oil benefits is that it regulates blood cholesterol levels.

The regulation helps curb the danger of the many deadly heart diseases. Such include heart failure, heart attack, high blood pressure, and many others.

The oil has saturated fats. It is important to note that the fats never affect the blood lipids contrary to what people thought in the recent past. Saturated fat transforms LDL cholesterol and improves the good, or the HDL cholesterol, to the benign subtype.

A research that involved 40 women stipulated that the oil reduces the levels of LDL and cholesterol. Also, the study showed that it improves an HDL level, that is when compared to other oils such as soybean oil.

Scientific researchers have shown that the oil reduces LDL and total cholesterol as well as triglycerides.

At the same time, it improves the levels of HDL. It improves not only the status of blood antioxidant but also the coagulation factor. In the long run, the increase of cardiovascular health can theoretically result in a little risk of heart illnesses.

Besides, the oil has antioxidants that reduce oxidative stress. The oil is rich in antioxidants like polyphenols and flavonoids. The two have a broad range of heart-health benefits. Upon exposing the heart as well as blood vessels to oxidative stress, plaques tend to develop in arteries.

Finally, a heart attack may result. Additionally, blood vessels may stiffen and cause high blood pressure. Besides, heart failure can happen. Antioxidants assist in lowering oxidative stress and reducing inflammation.

Studies of shown that polyphenols lower blood pressure in aging individuals that have high blood pressure.

Also, polyphenols have proved to lower the growth or development of atherosclerotic plaques in blood arteries. Additionally, polyphenols can assist blood vessel to relax, become less stiff, therefore preventing high blood pressure.

From the explanations above, it is evident that coconut oil is significant in everyday life. Thinking of how deadly heart diseases are, should push anyone to include coconut oil in their diets. Come to think of the loss that occur as a result such diseases.

Again, think of the medical expenses that one should be responsible for in the event of that such diseases have struck. Is it not awesome to consider the oil? Well, you now know coconut oil benefits.

You have the plan of shedding the excess fat? Are you tired of having excess weight? Well, deciding to lose weight is a fundamental decision. It is because having excess weight is associated with many side effects.

Well, staving off such effects is done in many ways.

However, today, the center of discussion is how coconut oil helps an individual who is on the verge of shedding off some weight. In a nutshell, losing weight is one of the coconut oil benefits.

One key to not only successful but also lasting weight loss is to make sure there is steady blood sugar so that extreme ups and downs are evaded and do not result in you falling off the wagon.

How can you steady the blood sugar for a long period of time as well as between meals? Of course with satisfying and healthy fats. As a matter of fact, coconut oil is the best fat to settle on as far as weight loss is concerned.

It is because of the plethora of MCTs that promote metabolism for almost immediate energy.

Additionally, the MCTs in coconut oil never end up as stored body fats like long chain fatty acids.

Nations that take large amounts of coconut as well as coconut oil in their diets for instance Phillipines, Pacific Islands and India have fewer cases of weight related diseases. Such nations have fewer cases of diseases of obesity and heart diseases. It therefore, disapproves any agenda smear campaign that is against such marvelous healthy oil.

What are the best coconut oils for weight loss? That might be the most disturbing question one may be asking. However, it is important to note that not each and every coconut oil is created equally for weight loss functions.

Using organic virgin oil therapeutically for weight loss is an awesome idea. It is because the delicate micronutrients in the coconut oil will be preserved. At that, no chemicals will have been utilized in processing.

Besides, provided that the oil can reduce appetite and accelerate fat burning, it natural to say that it can as well help in weight loss. The oil tends to be effective in shedding off abdominal fat that aligns itself around organs and in abdominal cavity. The said fat is quite dangerous and is associated with various Western diseases. To be on the safe side, try to utilize such a coconut oil benefit.

Coconut oil has never ceased to amaze and impress. One of coconut oil benefits is that it helps boost brain function more so in Alzheimer’s patients.

Alzheimer’s disease is the common most cause of dementia. Primarily, it affects elderly persons.

Alzheimer’s patients tend to have reduced ability to utilize glucose to provide energy in some parts of their brains.

Medium Chain Triglycerides, which is the primary type of fat available in coconut oil, are known to promote cognitive performance in elderly individuals suffering from memory diseases such as Alzheimer’s.

Interestingly, the boosting does not take place after weeks or months after treatment, but just after administering the 40ml dose.

Some groundbreaking studies have shown that administration of MCTs, a fat in coconut oil, improves cognitive function among the elderly with memory disorders almost immediately. The study comprised of 20 subjects suffering from Alzheimer’s disease.

On separate days, they were provided with either a placebo or emulsified MCTs. The researchers noted a significant rise in levels of blood plasma of the ketone. The effect was observed 90 minutes after treatment. Depending on the E genotype of the person tested, the levels of beta-OHB either rose continuously or held constant during 90 and 120 minutes.

Notably, cognitive testing showed that the proper MCT treatment promoted performance on the ADAS-cog in 4 persons in the study group. Additionally, higher values of ketone were related to greater increase in paragraph recall with the MCT treatment slightly about the placebo across each subject.

How does Medium Chain Triglycerides Function?

How can a dose of MCTs result in almost immediate boosting in cognitive performance in persons suffering severe impairments such as Alzheimer’s disease? Well, that can be the question you may be asking yourself.

The explanation is in not only in the MCT configuration but also the unique metabolic requirements of the brain. Ketone bodies give the required alternative source of fuel to glucose that recharges metabolic processes in the brain. It results in nearly immediate boosting in cognitive function.

The Bottom Line: Studies have shown fatty acids available in coconut oil increases the blood levels of the ketone bodies. Therefore, it supplies energy to the brain. Finally, the Alzheimer’s symptoms get relieved.

In a nutshell, coconut oil benefits are evident in brain boosting.

Should you know of an elderly individual, or someone suffering from the said condition, do the necessary.

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