The salutary features of coconut oil have been long found in the ancient texts and Ayurveda. Years of research and experiments have also been giving a scientific support to these findings. Let`s be aware about some benefits of coconut oil:
1. Increases body metabolism
Various community and ethnic groups that consume coconut oil or products in their regular diet were found to have greater metabolic rate as compared to European and American community, where the use of coconut oil and product is minimal. Through scientific study it has been found that, the chemical composition of Coconut oil is primarily of medium chain triglycerides (MCT). MCT breaks down easily providing instant energy to the body, rather than storing as fat.
2. Reduces risk of Heart Diseases
With its capability of stabilizing cholesterol by increasing HDL (Good) and reducing LDL (Bad) level, coconut oil helps to prevent heart-related diseases.
3. Balances Thyroid and Blood Sugar Level
Primary composition of Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCT), makes coconut oil a powerful remedy for various health issues. It helps in conversion of Cholesterol into pregnenolone, which in turn helps in proper functioning of the thyroid gland. It also stimulates the production of insulin that regulates blood sugar level.
4. Improves nutrient absorption
Including coconut oil in diet helps body absorb vital fat soluble vitamins like Vitamin A, D, E and K that are present in other food items. Not only for health benefits but including Coconut oil in other food items like Desserts, Bakeries and Smoothies adds-up taste to the delicacies. Cooking vegetables and leafy greens in coconut oil helps in locking down the nutrients that might get lost due to application of heat.
5. Decreases excess hunger
Healthy hydrocarbons like MCT and ketones helps in proper digestion of food. This results in giving the sensation of fullness to the individual for a longer interval. It minimizes overeating and continuous craving for food.
6. Helps in weight loss
As mentioned above coconut oil increases metabolism and decreases excess hunger, hence it balances the level of body fat. Also, with its characteristic of reducing calorie intake per day, scientifically it has been proven to reduce 1 to 2 pounds of body weight a week. Coconut oil mainly targets the mid-section of the body as a result, reducing belly fat.
Coconut oil has long been taunted by some people as not being beneficial to the body as it is composed of saturated fats. Despite, what some people say, studies have shown that it actually benefits our body in numerous -like the ones mentioned above. So, use coconut oil wisely and regularly and take advantage of its benefits to live a healthy life.